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Collagen For Her

What is The Best Time of Day to Take Collagen?

What is The Best Time of Day to Take Collagen?

We frequently get asked if there is a best time of day to take collagen and the short answer is no, there is no wrong time to take Collagen For Her! The number one most important thing when it comes to collagen is consistency, so we recommend taking it whenever is most convenient for you; preferably a time when you won’t forget! 

Our goal is to have a product for everyone, that is why we offer so many different ways to get your daily dose of collagen. Here are some of our favorite ways to take collagen at all times of the day! 

Morning: Probably the most common way to take collagen is in your morning cup of coffee! Add one scoop of our Unflavored Collagen Peptides or Marine Collagen Beauty Blend to your morning cup of coffee. Both products are flavorless and tasteless so you won’t even know it is there! Not a coffee drinker? We also love adding a scoop of either to our morning tea, smoothie or even overnight oats!

Afternoon: Looking for a midday pick-me-up that won’t cause you to crash? Grab an Organic Matcha Collagen latte. You can enjoy this one hot or iced depending on the time of year or the mood you are in. Not a matcha fan? No problem! An easy way to remember to take any of our capsule products is with a meal, so if you are taking our Multi-Collagen Capsules or Healthy Gut Probiotics after lunch is a great time of day to take them. 

Evening: Like winding down at the end of the night with a cup of hot tea? Try adding a scoop of our Unflavored Collagen For Her! We also love taking our Marine Collagen Gummies after dinner because they taste like dessert and give us something to look forward to! 

As women, we are all busy, have crazy schedules, and the last thing we need is to have to remember one more thing like to take a supplement! This is why we try to create products that not only make getting your daily dose of collagen easy but fun and delicious, so it is something you look forward to everyday rather than yet another thing you need to remember to do.

What is your favorite way to use Collagen For Her? Let us know!

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