Post-Thanksgiving Collagen Detox Smoothie

Post-Thanksgiving Collagen Detox Smoothie

If you are like the rest of us, you ate a little too much stuffing, pie, and everything in between these past few days! Lucky for you, we have a post-thanksgiving detox smoothie that will have you feeling your best in no time! This smoothie contains the perfect combination of nutrients to help you detox and debloat including:

    • Bananas: One main cause of bloating is consuming too much sodium. Potassium-rich foods can help flush out unneeded sodium, which is why adding a banana to your smoothie can help to reduce bloating!
    • Spinach: Leafy greens such as spinach or nutritional powerhouses that are loaded with antioxidants and can help remove damaging toxins from the body.
    • Flaxseed: Flaxseed contains essential fatty acids that perform a variety of cleansing functions within the body. In addition, they are high in fiber, which can help naturally eliminate excess toxins and waste within the body.
    • Coconut Water: Whether you are having a wine or stuffing hangover, hydration is key! Coconut water contains natural electrolytes so you can get the benefits without the added sugar and artificial additives (we all know we had plenty of those this weekend!).
    • Collagen For Her: With 10g of protein per scoop collagen is the perfect addition to this post-holiday detox smoothie!  

Post-Thanksgiving Collagen Detox Smoothie


1 cup of coconut water

½ cup frozen spinach

½ cup frozen cauliflower

1 ripe banana

5 frozen strawberries

1 tsp. Flaxseed

1 scoop of Collagen For Her


Blend until smooth and top with your coconut shavings and fresh fruit! Enjoy!

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